Review feedback won’t break you out of middle management.

This will.

Transform Your Leadership  

Get out of the overwhelm and build an engaged, productive team of leaders that get you NOTICED. 

This is how you accelerate your tech career towards the executive ranks (without losing your peace of mind and compromising your personal life).

6 months - 1 year of 1x1 coaching for experienced managers to uplevel your leadership


Review feedback won’t break you out of middle-management.

This will.

Transform Your Leadership

Get out of the overwhelm and build an engaged, productive team of leaders that get you NOTICED. 

This is how you accelerate your tech career towards the executive ranks (without losing your peace of mind and compromising your personal life).

6 months - 1 year of 1x1 coaching for experienced managers to uplevel your leadership

You know you have it in you to be the kind of executive your organization needs –

  • You have a Growth Mindset

  • You are an Influencer

  • You have the passion for making a broad business impact

  • You can sell your vision to recruit high-performers

  • And you can multiply their impact.


You’ve achieved several milestones to prove your worth to anyone looking to keep you on their team or hire you.

Landing your current role is probably one of these milestones. (Way to go!)

 You love it. You get to take on exciting challenges - the product, the people you work with, or the team culture you can build from scratch.

You’ve achieved several milestones to prove your worth to anyone looking to keep you on their team or hire you.

Landing your current role is probably one of these milestones. (Way to go!)

 You love it. You get to take on exciting challenges - the product, the people you work with, or the team culture you can build from scratch.

Sure, some frustrating challenges keep you up at night-

  • How do you make the case to grow certain employees into managers, so you can take on a more significant scope of work?

  • How do you build trust among your team members so they can work together well and be amazingly productive (without babysitting)?

  • How do you build trust so you can rely on your team members to bring the right things to your attention?

  • How can you be the hands-off leader you want to be so you can grow the team, deliver on time, have a more significant business impact, and show everyone what you’re capable of? WITH WORK/LIFE BALANCE!

You’ve handled some of these challenges before. But others feel edgy. Handling high-performers feels especially edgy. Especially when you have your own career to worry about.

You’re aware that you’ve got some blind spots. You know you could do better but don’t know how.

So, you ask for feedback constantly from your manager and your direct reports so you can improve. After all, you’re a learner.

 But… when you finally get the feedback, there’s no clear direction. It’s too little and too late.

“Remember, 6 months ago you did that thing in that way, yeah, don’t do it that way.”

This is simply not enough for the career growth that you want.

What got you here is the exact thing that’s blocking you from moving forward.

You need live feedback — in-the-moment feedback that arises from conflicts and frustrations. This is how you find your blind spots and grow your leadership.

And you need ongoing support that is flexible enough to help you develop and make consistent progress as situations arise.

Hi, I’m Mounica, and I help mid-career leaders in tech like you to transform your leadership so you can

  • Finally, put all your capabilities to work,

  • Have a more significant impact

  • And be energized by your work again (without sacrificing your personal life).

My specialty as a coach is to help you uncover your blind spots and help you create breakthroughs in how you operate so you can create the next level of your leadership — and bring your team to the next level of theirs.

Hi, I’m Mounica, and I help mid-career leaders in tech like you to transform your leadership so you can

  • Finally, put all your capabilities to work,

  • Have a more significant impact

  • And be energized by your work again (without sacrificing your personal life).

My specialty as a coach is to help you uncover your blind spots and help you create breakthroughs in how you operate so you can create the next level of your leadership — and bring your team to the next level of theirs.

I am going to help you with your transformation, so that you

  • Deeply understand how to play to your strengths, making everyone else’s job easier by doing what you do best

  • Feel energized by your work, not drained - so you’re awake enough to spend quality time with your fam at the end of the day

  • Gain clarity over how to act in situations that are leaving you clouded and confused

  • Keep growing at a fast pace without any stagnation

  • Nurture meaningful professional relationships

  • Avoid the ‘managing people’ fatigue

  • Get to be a leader of leaders, not followers

I’ll help you create an extraordinary leadership career to move you closer to the fulfillment you’re looking for.

Ready to explore what’s possible for your leadership career?

Here’s what we’ll do in Transform Your Leadership:

We coach every week (1x1) for 3 weeks/month for a period of 3 months. During our time together, we are going to:

  1. Clarify your leadership

    Fuzziness happens to the best of us. Most of us have ‘someday’ goals, but we get lost in the day-to-day and live a deferred career plan. In this step, we’ll clearly define your goals and your values. You might have been a long-time people manager. We’ll define what the next level means for you and how to get there today! (Not 5 years later). This will tune your mind to operate at the executive level even if you’re not one right now.

  2. Get grounded in well-being

    Maybe right now, your calendar is packed with back-to-back meetings that every single day drains you. This is why your well-being must be a priority. Well-being is not just about the proper sleep, exercise, and nutrition (although they’re the basic pillars). Well-being also means that your average level of peace throughout the day is stable. You’re able to present your best self to your personal and professional relationships, and your mind is focused and relaxed simultaneously to be open to creativity. 

    We'll work on quick mindset shifts to get you out of the arc towards burn-out so you can get to a state where you can find creative solutions and let insights arise for the most complex situations.

  3. Play the next-level game

    Have you heard of executive presence and wanted to build it yourself? But first of all, what the hell does it even mean? Career success and executive presence are by-products of pulling yourself out of your comfort zone and living on the edge. We’ll put you in challenges and play games for mastery. Maybe you want to build trust with your team, but your communication is not valued enough. We’ll assess this and see how you can play challenges to improve your communication with your team members.

  4. Build a team of leaders

    Real impact happens when you transform yourself into a coach to bring out the leadership in everyone. We’ll help you develop your current team members into leaders and teach you how to hire leaders. We'll go through the process of creating breakthroughs for your team members and have you support them so that they take full ownership of their roles, work products, and purpose. This means you move from the role of a doer and a manager into a role of a leader and a coach.



6 months - 1 year (based on your goals)


1 hour weekly for 3 weeks/month


$6000 - $12000


In-Between session support through Email, WhatsApp, and async video messaging.


  • Commitment: 6 months - 1 year (based on your goals)

  • Cadence: 1 hour weekly for 3 weeks/month

  • Investment: $6000 - $12000

  • Support: In-Between session support through Email, WhatsApp, and async video messaging.

 Transform Your Leadership stands on the following values: 

  • Ownership and Leadership before passing on blame

  • Presence before Doing  (or execution)

  • Building trust for results before expectations

  • Living on the edge before choosing comfort zone

During this journey, I am also going to teach you:

  • What effective leadership looks like (no, it’s not just “managing” or “growing” people)

  • How to build amazing professional relationships that last (including the ones that need difficult conversations)

  • How to find actual acceptance and gratitude for your life (and it’s different from forced resignation to circumstances).

  • How to set up a vision for yourself and become a visionary for your team and company

Let's make sure we're a good fit. To love, working with me, you need:


Willingness to do things that scare you


Willingness to open up and look at your blind spots


Willingness to step out of blame and own your stuff


Willingness to keep going forward even when you want to quit (there will be those moments, I promise)

Let's make sure we're a good fit. To love, working with me, you need:

Courage - willingness to do things that scare you

Humility - willingness to open up and look at your blind spots

Ownership - willingness to step out of blame and own your stuff

Commitment - willingness to keep going forward even when you want to quit (there will be those moments, I promise)

 Working with me is NOT for you if:

  • You want to manipulate people, play office politics, and rise by bringing other people down (and call those hard leadership decisions).

  • You’re not committed to investing in your personal growth.

  • You’re looking for tips and advice to do what everyone is doing.

And Transform Your Leadership is not for you if:

  • You’re not clear if you want to stay or leave your team. Let’s get you out of your sticky situation, you might love my 90-minute intensive - Confused to Clear program.

  • You’re fine waiting for your career to grow ‘organically’ (like watching grass grow), that’s cool. This is not for you.

 Working with me is NOT for you if:

  • You want to manipulate people, play office politics, and rise by bringing other people down (and call those hard leadership decisions).

  • You’re not committed to investing in your personal growth.

  • You’re looking for tips and advice to do what everyone is doing.


And Transform Your Leadership is not for you if:

  • You’re not clear if you want to stay or leave your team. Let’s get you out of your sticky situation, you might love my 90-minute intensive - Confused to Clear program.

  • You’re fine waiting for your career to grow ‘organically’ (like watching grass grow), that’s cool. This is not for you.

What Clients Are Saying


“I’m SO busy. I’m not sure I can make the required time and energy commitment.”

The direct coaching time is when we meet for 1 hour for 3 weeks/month. Between sessions, you can expect to dedicate some time to fieldwork - some of this looks like studying resources such as audios and articles - that’s the easy part. The hard part will be the challenges you will take up, the games you will play (my favorite one is the “Hello” game), and the awareness exercises. These don’t take much of your time, but your boldness reserves. You choose these practices based on where you want to get to.

My clients get so much more back when they invest their time and energy with me. They find they are more clear-headed and focused and can make better decisions at work. Is that worth 3 hours a month for you?

“Do you help with Resume and Interview Preparation?”

No, I am not trained in that. What I can help you with is answering questions such as “Tell me about yourself” (yeah, I hated being subject to that one) and “What’s your leadership style?”

“What if your advice doesn’t work?”

Firstly, I am not here to give you advice. Advice is like giving you a band-aid; it works temporarily but won’t remove your pain. Coaching goes beyond the general strategy and information. There are enough resources for strategies (my newsletter is one!). I will help create the transformation you need from the inside that will get you the desired results without the stress. It’s like having a business partner for your career.

“I’ve got enough mentors. How is this going to be different?”

Mentorship is excellent for getting advice on situations your mentor can relate to with their experience. You will not find generic advice working with me, though. My coaching is highly personalized to your situation, no matter where you are in your career. I designed it with a background in transformational coaching. My work is always to inspire profound mindset shifts that permanently change how you show up in your career.

“I’m wondering, Can I do this on my own?”

You know the steps (I’ve listed them above). If you’re a high-performer, you don’t need me. You absolutely can do this on your own. But, if you want -A trained coach guiding you and mirroring your blind spots (they’re called blind, for a reason)To be supported and stood for, as you discover your path and make mistakes and failAccelerate your transformation before life gives you lemons (did you know, you could make a lemonade much before that happens?)
Then, you’ll love this work.

“I’ve worked with a coach. How are you going to be different?”

That’s awesome! I hope you got the results you wanted. If you’re still here, I will tell you the secret behind a truly effective coach- their investment in their transformation. A coach can take you only as far as they have gone themselves. This does not mean having the same titles, positions, or life situations. It’s about the depth of transformation they’ve gone through. A good coach would have gone through tremendous personal change and understand the workings of their ego, fear, and passion (and they continue doing that transformational work). 

There is a lot of strategy and consulting for leadership termed coaching (of course, there is a place for that). What I’m offering, though, is a way of transforming yourself through your career, not in spite of your career. This is not simply about getting to that next thing but also shifting how you show up at your work as a leader. You’ll not be the same person at the end of a coaching engagement with me.

I am deeply invested in my personal growth and transformation. My journey has taken me from a blame mindset, wishing for others to change to stepping up as an owner of my life. Through my work with my coach and spiritual teachers, I have developed a ton of self-awareness, compassion, and deep insight into the workings of my mind. This allows me to coach people towards the same.

“I'm not a leader yet, or I'm not in the tech industry. But, I'm really interested in coaching with you. Can I apply?”

Absolutely. Much of the work I do applies across industries as long you are in a similar mid-career level in your career path.

“I’ve more questions. How do I get in touch with you?”

You can email me your specific questions at I’d love to hear from you. If you love what I offer and are serious about working together, I encourage you to apply below. We’ll answer all your questions before we start our work.